About Us

Practices of all sizes and scopes have found significant savings through EPIC membership, but EPIC is particularly attractive to smaller practices who may find other buying groups cost- or volume-prohibitive.

Additionally, or potentially of even greater value, is the continuing inventory management training offered to EPIC members and key staff. In addition to annual, in-person conventions, we host monthly webinars on inventory management and control strategy topics such as calculating turnover, understanding purchasing agreements, setting up custom count systems, establishing relevant mins and maxes, and more.

Interested in becoming a member?

EPIC was formed to allow independently owned practices to remain competitive in the modern equine veterinary industry – and has earned the nickname “the anti-corporate corporate.” EPIC doesn’t dictate what you buy but strives to provide attractive pricing agreements without the corporate strings attached.

There are numerous buying groups out there. A couple of things set EPIC apart:

  • EPIC was formed by veterinarians, for veterinarians.
  • EPIC is structured as a co-op without a profit motive for a third party. Negotiated savings go back to the co-op members, not in someone else’s pocket. The board of directors, all veterinarians who are members of EPIC, generously serve on a volunteer basis. A very small percentage of some of the negotiated agreements goes directly to EPIC, but after the group’s expenses are paid, any additional profits are paid as dividends to members.

Our negotiated agreements focus on:

  • The best possible price for each of our members, regardless of size and regardless of scope of practice. Single-vet ambulatory practices get the same, top-tier pricing as the larger practices. Sports medicine specialists who don’t buy vaccines get the same pricing on a manufacturer’s pharmaceutical portfolio as those that do;
  • Keeping things as simple as possible, with best pricing available year-round to get away from the need for large volume orders;
  • Maximum transparency. It’s important that practice owners know the fine print of pricing agreements up front.

Our current Board of Directors consists of the following:

Dr. Lisa Kivett

Foundation Equine, Southern Pines, NC

Dr. Shane Baird

Mobile Veterinary Services, Golden, CO

Dr. Miranda Gosselin

Millbrook Equine, Millbrook, NY

Dr. Chris Wickliffe

 Cascadia Equine Veterinary Clinic, Tangent, OR

Danika Dostal

Executive Director

Dr. Fred Nostrant

North Bridge Equine, Concord, MA

Our Purpose

To maximize profitability and practice value for independently-owned equine veterinary clinics committed to preserving the legacy of their business while remaining competitive in the modern marketplace.

Our Vision

To achieve industry-leading cost savings on veterinary drugs, supplies, equipment and beyond, and create the industry’s best source of solutions to inventory management challenges in an educational network.

Our Mission

To promote goal-oriented relationships and transparency in cooperation with member practices and partnerships with industry vendors who support our vision.

Meet Our Partners!